Helena Sheizon
Helena Sheizon

UKBA data on success rate of in-country spouse visa applications under Appendix FM

In June 2013 Kadmos Consultants made a request to the UKBA under the Freedom of Information Act to provide information related to the numbers, gender split and success rate of applications for leave to remain made by the parents of British children on the basis of their family life in the UK. The information would demonstrate how many families faced forced separation of a British citizen child from one of the parents and the gender split would show whether it related to the mother or the father of the child.

Unfortunately, the UKBA has claimed they have been unable to handle this request as it appeared too costly to gather this information.  Surprisingly, the request was linked to applications made on FLR(M) form, which is not the form for the applications for leave to remain on the basis of family life as a parent.

Nevertheless, the UKBA volunteered some alternative information in relation to applications for extension of stay as the partner of a British citizen or a person settled in the UK under the infamous Appendix FM.

The statistics appear even more shocking than anticipated: of the total 5401 applications for the partner visa made in the UK within 12 months from 9 July 2012 and 30 June 2013, only 1453 have been decided, and of these, only 313 have been successful!

Out of the 313 successful applications, 168 (53%) were made by women and 145 (47%) by men. Of the 1140 unsuccessful applications, 491 were by women (43%) and 649 (57%) by men. One might speculate whether the gender imbalance is related to it being more difficult for women to sponsor a partner under the harsh financial requirements of the new rules. It is interesting that in 57% of applications, the applicants were men, although with the account of same sex couples it is not altogether clear what percentage of sponsors were women.

We will be making a repeated request for information about applications on the basis of family life as a parent and will update this blog when we know more.

In the meantime, Kadmos Consultants take pride in the palpable input they have made to the lucky number of 313!


Post Author

Picture of Helena Sheizon

Helena Sheizon

Helena is the founder and managing director of Kadmos Consultants. She was called to the bar in 2005 and has been specialising in immigration since 2006. She is registered as Level 3 (OISC top level) immigration advisor with a licence for Judicial Review case management.

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