A few words about Kadmos - our name, our roots
Who was Kadmos
Kadmos was a Phoenician prince. He lived a relatively long time ago in the land that is now Palestine. He travelled much around the world.
The fact is, Kadmos was an immigrant. Before becoming an immigrant, though, he contacted the best immigration solicitors in London and this made all the difference to his journey. He sought immigration advice, applied for a visa and, since his immigration lawyers knew their job really well, he did not have to appeal an immigration refusal. All went well just as planned.

He came to Europe in search for his sister who was incidentally called Europa. Europe was not Europe at the time. It only became known as Europe after what happened to Europa. And Europa, as some might recall, was a very lovely young girl, a princess from a well-to-do Phoenician family. Everyone adored her, and so did Zeus, who was enraptured. He may have completely lost his senses, but to seduce Europa he turned himself into a splendid white bull. Of course, she couldn’t resist an offer of a ride. And perfidiously, the bull-Zeus took off with her to Crete.

So Europa was ravished by Zeus. There were plenty of witnesses and after their short stopover in Sicily the story was definitively imprinted on a metope of Temple C in Selinunte. You can see Europa carried away by Zeus over the waters of the Mediterranean and the fish swimming around in wonder and awe. The story has been traditionally known as the rape of Europe, but seduction may be a more accurate word.
Anyway, neither Europe’s father, king Agenor, nor her brother, prince Kadmos, were amused. And since the father was busy, it was Kadmos who set out for her rescue. History would not have been the same if it was otherwise.
We don’t know exactly his age at the time he set out on his seminal journey, but we believe he was quite young. And since photography was not yet invented, we don’t know how exactly he looked. Nevertheless, we can reconstruct his features with a fair degree of accuracy looking at various sources, most of them set in clay and some in stone.

You can see the lad with his pet eagle or, a few years later, with his bodyguard lion to get some idea.
There were quite a few adventures on the way. There was the wretched fire-spitting dragon, the company of jolly Argonauts, the somewhat infamous pig hunt in Kaledonia, and the building of Thebes – one of the finest cities of ancient Greece to be wiped off the face of the earth by Alexander the Great. This heroic deed of Alexander was in our view much of a shame. Kadmos was an amazing stonemason and the citadel he built, the Kadmeia, was one of the wonders of the world. But so was Alexander, they say.
In any event, Kadmos brought his business to Europe and later sought help with employing migrant workers in construction industry. This is where business immigration solicitors were most helpful.
Kadmos married Harmonia and they had beautiful children. All became kings and queens. They married kings and queens of other countries and successfully made spouse visa applications followed by applications for indefinite leave to remain and citizenship.
Valour and romance apart, Kadmos brought to Greece the Phoenician alphabet so that she could become the cradle, as some might say, of western civilisation. This share of writing skills actually made him famous.
And thousands of years on, we, Kadmos Immigration Consultants, continue in the same vein – we help people share knowledge and skills and enjoy the world – its colours, sound and jokes.
In other words, we help overcome immigration barriers.
What our clients say about us
“I didn't have much of hope winning my case before I phoned Kadmos. And now after a year sitting at home planning my new future,I can't begin to tell how lucky I am by making that phone call a year ago. Everyone who works in this firm is very professional and helpful, excellent communication through out. I can't say thank you enough to express my appreciation. Your excellent service and hard work makes difference for people's life. I will always recommend this firm to anyone who is in need of a good immigration lawyer.”
Ru K